Opportunities in a Changing World
12:30 PM12:30

Opportunities in a Changing World

In today's dynamic business landscape, navigating Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity (VUCA) demands adaptability, innovation, and a heightened awareness of self and others. Embracing the Conscious Leader's perspective recognizes the potential for fresh ideas and novel solutions, fostering personal growth through self-awareness, challenging assumptions, and shaping a growth mindset.

Join speaker Faris Khalifeh to explore how adopting the conscious leader mindset empowers authentic leadership, integrates compassion, and enhances self-awareness. This approach not only yields positive outcomes but also contributes to increased engagement through effective communication, giving and receiving feedback, and an overall proactive stance in shaping the future.

In a world undergoing rapid transformations, effective leadership is crucial, providing guidance and support for individuals and organizations striving toward their objectives. Whether you aim to initiate new leadership initiatives, enhance existing approaches, or gain insights into conscious leadership, this talk offers guidance to fortify successful practices in this dynamic landscape.

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Whole Life Leadership™ Coaching Program
to Dec 1

Whole Life Leadership™ Coaching Program

  • live group coaching calls over Zoom (video conferencing) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Are you a quiet leader who is up to big things in this world?

  • Do you want to bring the kind of success you have seen in your work into all areas of your life?

  • Are you someone who knows the idea of work life balance is b*&% and looking for work life integration?

  • Do you feel pressured to go against your authentic self to get recognized?

If any of those sound like you then this 12-week coaching program is for you.

The Whole Life Leadership™ approach takes the stand that we are leaders of our own lives, which means, title or not, we have the capacity and responsibility to lead in every area of our life, not just the ones we have a title in. By taking a leadership approach to our lives we are able to create masterpieces that bring us wins in all of the most meaningful ways. Click here to learn more.

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Quiet Confidence: Leadership Strategies To Bridge The Gap Between Introverts And Extroverts
4:30 PM16:30

Quiet Confidence: Leadership Strategies To Bridge The Gap Between Introverts And Extroverts

The corporate world is loud and it is fast.  It lends well to the extrovert, outspoken and assertive.  But how do you succeed if that’s not you, if you’re the introvert?  Please join us for an evening with Faris Kalifeh, the Quiet Leadership Coach.  Having worked with various entrepreneurs and business leaders, we’ll be chatting with Faris about how to navigate and lead in the loud corporate environment as an introvert and how to successfully collaborate with those quiet personalities. 

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Wine&Learn - Quiet Leadership
5:30 PM17:30

Wine&Learn - Quiet Leadership

Don't miss our Wine&Learn event where we have the honor to welcome Faris Khalifeh who will talk about Quiet Leadership.

• Do you feel like your temperament somehow hinders your career path or leadership effectiveness?
• Are you overlooked for leadership roles because of your quiet nature?
• Do you feel overshadowed by your gregarious colleagues?
• Do you feel pressured to go against your authentic self to get recognized?

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The Introverts Guide to Managing Your Job Search (POSTPONED)
6:30 PM18:30

The Introverts Guide to Managing Your Job Search (POSTPONED)

  • The PROFILE Coworking Business Club (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Searching for a job can make even the most optimistic, extraverted person lose confidence on what steps to take. As an introvert, you probably want to be prepared, such as for an unexpected redundancy, a role that isn’t satisfying, or a career transition. Being prepared for an introvert is to feel empowered to create your own career destiny.

At this event you will learn how to manage recruitment calls, your career, your professional brand - all the way through to managing offers and the first 100 days of your new job. 

Join international speaker Caroline Stokes, an executive headhunter and certified executive coach to learn how you can manage your career today.

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Introverts at Work: How to Create Engaged and Diverse Teams
6:30 PM18:30

Introverts at Work: How to Create Engaged and Diverse Teams

Everyone who would like to be part of, or even create, an inclusive, diverse, and engaged team from an introvert's perspective. You could be an introvert contributor, an extrovert leader or somewhere in between. This event concentrates on getting the best out of introverts, as part of a team and in a work environment. What you will learn here will also help in many other social situations. Please join us for an evening of stories, learnings, and best practices from a perceived/proclaimed extrovert leader. We'll be talking about recruitment recommendations, effective meetings, successful project groups, better communication, and engaged team members.

All this, simply by understanding introverts better, introducing some simple best practices, and playing to their strengths.

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Career Branding Summit
to May 11

Career Branding Summit

Everything You Need To Build A Successful Career - 20 Masterclasses In Just 5 Days -

This free online summit will give you tools and insights to create the best possible career based on your passions, talents, personal and professional strengths and to build a powerful, authentic career brand so you can stand out and attract more and better career opportunities.

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An introvert's guide to stress management
6:30 PM18:30

An introvert's guide to stress management

As leaders we are not strangers to stress. Whether it’s managing staff, budgets, operations, or our personal lives, it can sometime be a bit much. All this may lead to us chasing the mythical work-life balance. But how? Those of us who are introverts are another puzzle – a lot of the advice given out that is aimed at extroverts and may not apply to us. So, what do we do? We find out what our unique needs are and how they relate to our optimum functioning; this is the antidote to stress. Together we’ll look at how optimum functioning, needs, and stress are related and ways to find out what our needs are so that we can function at our best and avoid succumbing to stress.

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Public speaking with authentic confidence
6:30 PM18:30

Public speaking with authentic confidence

If you identify as an introvert, public speaking can seem like a daunting task, however you can become comfortable with public speaking with the right tools and mindset.

Whether you find yourself at a networking event, giving a toast at a wedding or presenting your work to clients, the principles are the same. This month's guest speaker, Janine Graham, is a public speaking coach and will share with us 3 tools to speak in public with authentic confidence.

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Why Introverts Make Great Leaders
6:00 PM18:00

Why Introverts Make Great Leaders

Do you feel like your career path or leadership effectiveness is somehow hindered by your temperament? Are you overlooked for leadership roles because of your quiet nature? Do you feel overshadowed by your gregarious colleagues/competitors? Do you feel pressured to go against your authentic self to get recognized? 

Tickets: https://introvertsgreatleaders.eventbrite.ca

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A Quiet Mind for Quiet Leaders in a Busy World
6:30 PM18:30

A Quiet Mind for Quiet Leaders in a Busy World

One of our strengths as introverts is our ability to be quiet, allowing us to listen, be reflective and notice things others may not. But being quiet and having a quiet mind are not the same thing. Introverts, although seemingly calm from the outside, are not immune to an active mind, stress or anxiety.

In an age of distraction and technology speeding up, now is a time where a quiet mind is needed more than ever. Through meditation, we cultivate a valuable skill for every aspect of life, the ability to quiet our mind. A still and quiet mind allows us to live and work with more inner peace, clarity and creativity, to recharge more effectively, while deepening connections with family and friends.

In this talk you will learn how many of the inherent traits of introverts are a stepping stone to something more profound. We will do various exercises, including meditate, to take this from a theoretical idea to something very tangible and practical. 

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Guest Speaker: The Consciouspreneur Forum
6:00 PM18:00

Guest Speaker: The Consciouspreneur Forum

The panel discussion will be focused on answering questions around the future of the profession and how new entrants can maximize their chances of success. Discussion topics will include:

  • Challenges faced by new coaches in getting clients.
  • Is accreditation necessary or just a good to have?
  • Why are so many millennials entering the space and how can they succeed?
  • Is explosive growth fuelled by the low barrier to entry and how do we ensure the watering down of the profession?
  • Does the lack of regulation in the industry create the potential of substandard and even harmful service?
  • The future of coaching worldwide.

Tickets: http://bit.ly/2zMWZO7 

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Introverts and Extroverts as Leaders in the Executive Suite
6:00 PM18:00

Introverts and Extroverts as Leaders in the Executive Suite

Do you feel like your career path or leadership effectiveness is somehow hindered by your temperament? Are you overlooked for leadership roles because of your quiet nature? Do you feel overshadowed by your gregarious colleagues? Do you feel pressured to go against your authentic self to get recognized?

You're not alone - about 50% of all leaders are introverts, yet our working environments favor the extrovert, the outspoken, bold and assertive. These traits have changed our definition of leadership and altered our assumptions about what good performance looks like. And while many studies have shown introverts are natural born leaders, many business cultures often make it impossible to thrive.

This month, we have a special guest speaker who will share his perspective on this topic. Karl Moore is a professor at McGill University and a fellow of Green Templeton College, Oxford University. Dr. Moore taught at Oxford for 5 years before he came to McGill. His current research is on Introverts and Extroverts as Leaders in the Executive Suite. Based on over 300 interviews of C-Suite executives he argues that in today’s world both extroverts and introverts are needed as leaders.

Karl is currently writing a book for Stanford University Press, Introvert/Ambivert/Extrovert Leaders, In this project he is working with Susan Cain’s Quiet Leadership Institute.

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Masterclass: How to spread your message as a Quiet Leader without having to be loud
6:00 PM18:00

Masterclass: How to spread your message as a Quiet Leader without having to be loud

After conducting a few focus groups, we noticed common and similar challenges Quiet Leaders face.

Based on the feedback we got from most of you, we created a Masterclass that addresses the key challenges you are facing such as:

☑ You struggle to find your voice in meetings, groups and networking events.

☑ Overshadowed by louder more assertive personality types.

☑ You feel pressured to act extroverted.

Please visit our Masterclass page to learn more: http://bit.ly/QLMClass


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Quiet Leadership: The Life of an Ambivert
6:30 PM18:30

Quiet Leadership: The Life of an Ambivert

In today’s world it often seems like the loudest one gets the last word in. As Quiet Leaders it can seem like a daunting task to be “heard” when everyone around us is yelling.  If you’ve identified yourself as a Quiet Leader then you’re already in tune with what makes you tick, and how you can effectively chart a path to the success you desire no matter what others are doing around you.

But what if you don’t fit exclusively in either the introvert or extrovert club? What if you’re someone who loves their downtime to recharge, but also enjoys the energy and connection you get from people? What if you are naturally assertive and enthusiastic in some situations, but at the same time you can listen carefully to avoid appearing too over the top?

You my friend might be an ambivert…and the reality is that most of us are in some form or another!

Through this engaging and inspiring workshop, learn how to tap into your power as a Quiet Leader by embracing your personality traits as an introvert, extrovert, ambivert and everything in between!

Tickets: http://bit.ly/QLamibivert

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Why Introverts Make Great Leaders
11:30 AM11:30

Why Introverts Make Great Leaders

The speaker, Faris Khalifeh, will illustrate how you don't have to be loud to be a great leader, and you can be impactful by being soft-spoken, quiet and gentle. This talk is for extroverts as well, as they can gain valuable insight into the introvert's world, allowing them to understand and work more effectively with their introverted colleagues.


Please email me if you want to attend my talk only (and not the rest of the Vancouver Startup Week programs and events).

Tickets: http://sched.co/CFwK

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Quiet Leadership: Intuition
6:30 PM18:30

Quiet Leadership: Intuition

  • L'Atelier Vancouver Coworking (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

One of the primary reasons top leaders are able to make tough decisions is because they have learned to trust their intuitive instincts. Bill Gates says, "Often you have to rely on intuition."

Some people seem to have a stronger sense of intuitive skills than others (Ni personality type), I do believe that any leader can learn to be more intuitive. It is simply a matter of learning to trust your heart when it speaks to you.

Our September guest speaker Susan Lee Woodward is a Medical Intuitive, Laughter Yoga Facilitator, Reiki Practitioner/Teacher and Meditation Facilitator. Voted one of the top 25 Intuitives in Vancouver by Crowd Wellness.

She believes that Intuition is a skill that everyone has but not everyone uses to its fullest potential. Trusting and using your intuition benefits your relationships with intimate partners, friends, business partners, and co-workers. Most importantly it improves the relationship you have with yourself!

Join us on September 20th to learn about intuition and how to access it.

Tickets: https://quietleadershipintuition.eventbrite.ca

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Quiet Leadership: Sonic Therapy
6:30 PM18:30

Quiet Leadership: Sonic Therapy

Introverts tend to spend a lot of time in their heads, and that sometimes can back fire if we are not conscious of a healthy balance between mind and body. Staying in the head can lead to analysis paralysis. 

Sonic Therapy™ helps you to slow the inner dialogue, create headspace and reconnect to your body by dropping in and tapping into the deepest desire of your heart. It allows you to become more present and in touch with your feelings.

>> For more info: https://quietleadershipsonic.eventbrite.ca

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